Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fellow Cysters

When I decided to write this blog, my goal was for it to be an inspiration for other people to start on their fitness journeys.  What I didn't expect was how many people have told me, "I sent your blog to my cousin [sister, friend, boss...] who also has PCOS, and struggles with her weight."  I know that PCOS affects 1 in 20 women (some say 1 in 10), but I forget how common that really is.

So, I read online that it's almost TWICE as hard to lose weight with PCOS as it is to lose without it.  The statistic went on to say that every 4 pounds lost by a Cyster is equivalent to 7 pounds lost by someone without the Syndrome.  While I don't want to brag... I did the math.  Since April 2012, I've lost 45 pounds.  That's 78.75 pounds for a "normal" person.  So, while I sit here feeling a little sorry for myself that I've *only* lost 45 pounds in a year, I can flip it and fell pretty darn good about losing close to 80 "normal" pounds.  Because that's 6.5 pounds/month, and it's been beaten into my head that 6-8 pounds/month is a good goal for maintaining the loss long term.  Any faster and you risk packing it (and more) right back on.

A friend of mine posted this link:  about her husband's cousin.  She's a young lady who competes in beauty pageants, and was diagnosed with PCOS. She gained 30 pounds in 3 months, while working out (hey, that sounds familiar!).  She's controlling her symptoms with diet, and continuing to compete.  Way to go, girl!!  :)

Jillien Michaels has it:

Victoria Beckham (::swoon:: I LOVE her!!!!) has it.

The list goes on and on.  Celebrities, friends, strangers.  Chances are, you know someone that has it.

I'm currently controlling my symptoms with intense exercise, Metformin, and Yasmin.  I've discussed how I've altered what I eat, but I know that I can do better.  After the MS150 is over, I'm going to embark on a new course with what I eat.  As for why I'm waiting, I've already figured out that the best way for me to fuel is to have (complex) carbs on the ride, and avoid the sugars that are offered.  The ride is just 2 weeks away, so I don't want to try to mess with anything new in that short of a time frame.

The people that I've mentioned above are controlling their symptoms through their food choices.  I still need to research if I'm going to go Low GI, Paleo, South Beach... the options are many, and I still have a few weeks to decide.  Whatever I choose, it will have to include fruit, because I LOVE fruit.  I can give up carbs, or dairy, I'd even consider giving up alcohol before I could give up fruit.  :)  I know that I can reach my goals, but I feel like I need a little bit more of a boost to get there on my schedule.

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