Sunday, May 5, 2013

Whole30-ish, Week 1

So, I decided, on a whim, to give the Whole30 a shot.  The whole nocarbsnodairynosugarnolegumesnofun part is going to be easy.  (When I remember) I have crazy willpower.  I usually break these challenges by forgetting that I'm on them.  Like Lent.. I remember that I gave up chocolate once I'm two sticks into my Kit Kat.

Anyway.  What I *can* eat is proving to be the challenge.  Here's their easy cheat sheet on good-better-best choices.  But since I decided to do this on a whim, I don't have grass-fed, pastured, organic perfection in my fridge.  What I do have is the stuff that we meal planned for this week (we've meal planned since years ago, when we were poor college students), and the will to do the best that I can with it.

So, Day 1:
Breakfast: Egg whites, scrambled, with 1/2 small avocado.
Snack:  Banana
Lunch: Two slices of tomato with tuna, baby carrots, pineapple.
Snack: Oranges
Dinner: Organic chicken breast, 1/2 small avocado, steamed carrots, fruit salad
Snack: Apple, blueberries

Day 1 was a little rough because I forgot my lunch and snack at home.  I work 1/2 days on Wednesday, so then lunch and snacks was what I scrounged up at my mom's house.  I feel like I did an okay job.  The tuna was canned (not the best choice!), and I went a little heavy on fruit.  I cooked the chicken on Monday night, so I'm not sure if it was pastured organic, but we've bought organic chicken ever since the regular breasts started getting so huge.  So, I know it was at least organic. By dinner, I was STARVING, but felt full after just a few bites of chicken and avocado.  My daughter wanted some dirty rice, and it was SO hard to not nibble off her plate as I was preparing it.  After dinner, around 7:30, I was STARVING again.  Hubs was home by that point and decided to make a pizza with my FAVORITE Trader Joe's dough (I told him that he could), and I wasn't remotely tempted by it.  At the end of the day, I felt great.

Day 2:
Breakfast: Scrambled egg whites with avocado (old habits die hard)
Post work-out snack: banana
Lunch: Turkey empanada filling (ground turkey with onion, cumin, garlic, raisins, and olives, without the empanada part!), snap peas from the garden at my office, fresh broccoli
Snack: Apple and nuts
Dinner: Porkchops, greens, and roasted sweet potatoes

A little better, but I'm going to have to work on my snacks still.  Today, I'm feeling a little bloated, could be because I ate WAY more food than my body is used to.  I went to boot camp this morning, and felt fine.

I'm still taking all of my meds and supplements (EFA, fish oil, Multi Vitamin, BCAA on lifting days, Yasmin, and Metformin) and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do that or not.  I need to spend some time researching the supplement part (I'm not going to skip my meds without the docs' approval).

Day 3:
Breakfast: Breakfast "Tacos"
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Porkchops and sweet potatoes (leftovers)
Snack: Almonds, blueberries, coconut flakes
Dinner: Tilapia with mango, pico, and avocado.  Broccoli, mandarin oranges

This morning, I woke up with a bit of a sinus fever, so I decided to stay home from work.  For breakfast, I made scrambled eggs and sausage for the family.  They ate theirs with cheese and tortillas, I ate mine with an avocado.  This was a tough day for snacking, since I was home.  Every  time I had to go in the pantry for something, I wanted to grab a snack (like a cookie), so it was a test of my willpower for sure!  We didn't have anything for dinner, so we went to Chili's, where I tried to avoid everything as best as I could (I skipped the obvious sugar sources, like the vinaigrette on my fish).

Day 4:
Breakfast: Scrambled egg whites with avocado, bacon
Snack: Blueberries and almonds
Lunch/Dinner: Crawfish, crawfish, and more crawfish!  Some sausage, and a La Paloma

I know we're not supposed to be weighing, but the scale is my vice.  With PCOS, I've put on as much as 8 pounds in a day.  EIGHT.  So, I have to weigh everyday, or I get crazy off track.  But, since Wednesday morning, I've lost 4 pounds.  Winning!! We had our annual crawfish boil, and it was quite the party.  There were sweets coming out our ears, but it wasn't too hard to skip them (shockingly). And with my Paloma in hand, I didn't really miss the beer, either.  But, a friend asked me to make her a margarita, and that almost did me in.  OMG it smelled SO good.  I handed it to her as fast as I could, so the temptation was gone.  The Whole30 timeline says this is supposed to be your cranky day.  I felt a little snappy that morning, but it wasn't too bad.  My company had their annual summer party that evening, and I had planned to go.  However, I didn't know how much longer I would be able to say "no" to alcohol, so I gave my willpower a break and went to bed early.

Day 5:
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with bruschetta topping
Snack: Apple with almond butter
Lunch: Tuna mixed with avocado, on greens, with tomato.  Steamed baby carrots.
Snack: blueberries and beet chips
Dinner: Hamburger on Portobello mushroom caps. Steamed squash and zucchini

Sunday morning, I found some party leftovers in our fridge.  A friend had brought bruschetta and left the extra topping.  SCORE for my eggs!  It had tomatoes, lemon juice, peppers, and yumminess.  I also weighed myself and was pleasantly surprised that 12 million pounds of crawfish, 2 days of skipped workouts, and way less water than I usually drink only resulted in a 2 pound gain.  Most Monday mornings, the scale is showing me +4 or +6 pounds from all the carb loading that I've had to do from my Saturday bike rides (and the beer that I usually drink... and the ice cream that helps me "recover"), and then I spend the week trying to lose it.  I haven't gone on a long ride in a few weeks, so I haven't had to carb up.  In June, I'm going to start training for an Olympic distance Tri.  I'm hoping my body will have adjusted to this no-carb thing, so that I don't have to load up for recovery.

Sunday mornings we go to the grocery store, so I was able to get all loaded up on Whole 30 goodness.  The hubs was shocked when we spent $16 on two pounds of ground beef.  I was surprised that my choices at the fish counter were farmed Atlantic or wild Alaskan.  I thought that wild Atlantic was the best, but I'm going to have to do a little digging to verify that.  I bought the wild Alaskan, I'm excited to cook it. I was also very disappointed to see that all of the ham is cured with (or has added) sugar.  All of it. And... no sugar free ketchup.  Not a single option.  I could CRY.  I really thought I was going to be able to rock some ketchup this month (I lovelovelove ketchup, almost as much as I love fruit).  I haven't eaten my hamburger yet, I'll let you know if I do end up crying.  I may swing by Whole Foods tomorrow and see if I can find any other options.

Day 5 is supposed to be the sleepy day.  And seeing as I just woke up from a 2 hour nap, I'd say that's true.  I also feel a little unfocused, I've been doing lots of walking into rooms and forgetting why I'm there, or starting a story and then forgetting what I wanted to say.  Hopefully that passes today, since I need to be sharp at work tomorrow!

And now, since I've stocked up on real Whole 30 foods, I'm going to start a new post.

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